Suggested Language for Owner – Contractor Agreements




 This Addendum to that certain Agreement between ________________________ (“Owner”) and _____________________________ (“Contractor”) dated  _________________ (“Agreement”) hereby revises and amends that document to adopt the following terms and conditions of the Oak Covenant Payment System.  The following terms and conditions shall control over any and all conflicting terms within the original Agreement, but all other provisions of the Agreement shall be interpreted, to the extent possible, in a manner to eliminate conflict with the provisions below and shall remain in full force and affect.  Owner and Contractor hereby agree:


  1. To abide Oak Covenant’s Payment System Rules as they may be posted from time to time at
  2. Within five (5) days of the effective date of this Addendum, if it has not already been performed by another party, Contractor shall establish the scope of work identified in the Agreement as a Project with Oak Covenant and pay the Oak Covenant Project Fee.
  3. In the event this Addendum is determined to be ambiguous in any way, there shall be no construction against the drafter as both parties had opportunity to participate in the drafting of said Addendum.



Suggested Language for Contractor/Lienor Agreements




This Agreement between ________________________ (“Contractor”) and _____________________________ (“Lienor”) on the scope of work to be performed on real property owned by ____________________ (“Project”) hereby agree the following terms and conditions supersede any and all conflicting terms within any other agreements or contracts relating to the Project.  All other provisions of prior agreements or contracts shall be interpreted, to the extent possible, in a manner to eliminate conflict with the provisions below and remain in full force and affect.  Contractor and Lienor hereby agree:


  1. To abide by Oak Covenant’s Payment System Rules as they may be posted from time to time on
  2. In the event this Agreement is determined to be ambiguous in any way, there shall be no construction against the drafter as both parties had opportunity to participate in the drafting of said Agreement.