Reduce Confusion and Mistrust

The most breakable item on a construction project is trust. Once that trust is broken, successful completion of the construction project is in jeopardy. The financial investments of the Owner, the Bank/Insurance Company, the Contractor and Subcontractors are all at risk.

The greatest threat to trust on a construction project is often confusion over construction lien laws intended to ensure that subcontractors, materialmen and laborers providing services to the general contractor are paid. Property owners, especially residential property owners, are generally unfamiliar with these laws, much less the obligations imposed upon owners.

Unfortunately, they do not become aware of these obligations until they receive dire warnings about having to pay twice for improvements and certified letters stating they will have to pay the provider “even if you have paid your contractor in full.”


Eliminate Risk

Residential construction projects are often the greatest investment a property owner will make. Understandably, residential property owners are often on guard for being “ripped off”.

A single payment dispute is usually enough to break trust and throw a residential construction project into chaos. This results in expensive investment in attorney’s fees to try to get back on track.

Property owners often rely on funding from banks or insurance companies. The interests of these entities are at risk if the construction process is impacted.

A Superior Solution

Oak Covenant offers a contractual system aimed at providing transparency in making construction payments. our system is aimed at eliminating the confusion, angst and mistrust that generally turns a good faith disagreement into a construction litigation nightmare.

Oak Covenant’s Construction Payment System significantly lowers the risk of broken trust by providing clear lines of communication.

A senior couple unpacking moving boxes in their new home

How Our System Works

Oak Covenant’s Construction Payment System serves as a communication hub for payment requests from the Contractor to the Owner.

By simplifying the process, the Owner is provided in a single email, the information necessary to evaluate the Payment Application and confirm that subcontractors are properly paid.

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